Sunday, January 26The Spirit of True Feelings

Let’s Talk About Contemporary Art

What exactly is contemporary art?

Simply put, contemporary art happens to be the art that has been created very recently. It is the art that has been created in the 20th or the 21st century. It also falls under the category of art that was created very recently. A lot of people have actually been loving contemporary art. The title basically means simplistic and straightforward, but it has a very modern-day meaning to it. The meaning is very clear-cut as well. Understanding what constitutes contemporary art is very easy, but there are many meanings to it. There are a lot of underlying and unexplored themes as well.

In a very simple and basic sense, the term contemporary art means art that can include

  • sculptures
  • photography
  • installations
  • performances
  • video art
  • paintings and more that have been produced today or very recently. Even though it is very simple, there is a very large spectrum that is unexplored.
  1. For example, pop art is also considered contemporary art.
  2. Another thing that is considered contemporary art is minimalism. Like conceptualisation, minimalism was actually materialised in the 1960s, and it is a very prevalent event today. Minimalism is something that a lot of people are loving nowadays. It is something that promotes a minimalistic life, a life without any clutter or problems. Minimalism is also considered to be very pretty and beautiful.
  3. I would also like to talk about installation art. Installation art is also a very immersive medium of art. Installations happened to be three-dimensional, and they happened to alter the perceptions of space, from the perspective of the viewer. Installation art is usually very large scale and very site-specific. It is something that enables artists to transform any given space into a very interactive yet customised environment. Installation art is also something that draws in a lot of people, and that is why, you can charge money so that people can see your installation art. Installation art can be found in places like New York, San Francisco, London, Los Angeles and more. I have actually witnessed a lot of installation art pieces in Los Angeles. People also pay quite a bit of money to experience installation art.
  4. Nowadays, street art is also considered contemporary art. It happens to be a very recent form of contemporary art, and it has been gaining a lot of prominence since the rise of graffiti in the 1980s. A lot of people consider graffiti to be vandalism, but a lot of people see a lot of art in it, because it is wonderfully beautiful. I have actually witnessed street art in a lot of city’s and some of them are actually very well done. The artists are spectacularly talented.

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